Surah Hud | With Bangla Translation | Quran Tilawat | Noor

Refrains 11:25-49 recount to the narrative of Noah and how his kin didn't accept his directions to follow God. The unbelievers are suffocated in a flood, which incorporates Noah's child; Noah gets some information about this demonstration, yet God reproaches Noah as being uninformed and says that Noah's child is "not an individual from his family." Surah 66, At-Tahrim, explains on this and says that Noah's better half is an unbeliever in hellfire who was unfaithful to her husband.[1]:11:25-49

Sections 11:50 - 11:60

Sections 11:50-60 arrangement with the prophet Hud, the namesake of the Surah. He was sent to the ʿād, an Omani clan which as indicated by history disintegrated at some point between the third and sixth century AD. The ʿād don't trust Hud, and Hud and the individuals who do accept are protected by God, trailed by God incurring an "appalling fate" on them so they were "detestable on the planet."

Refrains 11:61 - 11:68

Refrains 11:61-68 concern the individuals of Thamud and the prophet Saleh. Saleh attempts to persuade Thamud to atone, yet again the unbelievers overlook the prophet. Saleh offers a she-camel as a contribution of harmony, however says that it ought to be disregarded. In the case of anything comes to pass for it, the individuals will be rebuffed. The camel is hamstrung, Saleh and the individuals who accept are safeguarded, and the unbelievers are stricken by an "impact from paradise."

Stanzas 11:69 - 11:84

The Quranic adaptation of the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah is in Verses 11:69-84. Abraham and Sarah are given the updates on their child and grandson's inevitable birth (Isaac and Jacob), after which they argue for leniency for Lot's kin. God declines the solicitation, saying that the discipline can't be deflected. Part offers his little girls to the men of Sodom, however they react with lack of engagement and state "you recognize what we need."

Stanzas 11:80 - 11:84

Stanzas 11:80-84 affirms the Biblical record of homosexuality just like the wrongdoing of Lot's kin. Heavenly attendants plummet to ensure Lot and his little girls, and the city is wrecked by a stone downpour. Part's significant other perishes too.

Stanzas 11:85 - 11:95

Stanza 11:85-95 arrangement with the prophet Shu'aib sent to Midian. Again, the individuals overlook the prophet's admonitions; this time, Shu'aib helps the individuals to remember the destiny of the individuals of Noah, Hud, Saleh, and Lot. It doesn't work, and the individuals save Shu'aib from death by stoning simply because he originates from an incredible tribe. Shu'aib and the individuals who accept are safeguarded by God. A while later, the unbelievers "[were] seized by a discipline from paradise, and lay toppled in their homes toward the beginning of the day as if they had not abided there by any stretch of the imagination."

The rest of the sections examine the general subject again, with incidental references to Moses. The cruel discipline is clarified as "We didn't off-base them; they wronged themselves." Other divine beings are discredited as bogus, frail, and futile. Devotees are directed to walk the straight way and follow God, and the individuals who distrust will endure in Hell.

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