surah nuh bangla translation | সুরা নুহ বাংলা অনুবাদ | Noor

 In Nuh, the seventy-first surah, the Quran alludes to Nuh's prophethood in scraps. Nuh is a flag-bearer of Allah. When Nuh understands the messages are not acknowledged by the network, he supplicated to Allah, who intended to flood the network of Nuh at a predetermined time. Allah directed Nuh to caution the individuals of the flood. Allah delivers the water from the skies to demonstrate Nuh's message to be exact. In the Quran, the flood is a symbolization of the kindness of Allah to the devotees. Allah gives the world a fresh start. The skeptics doubted Allah's message and flag-bearer Nuh so they were suffocated. Since his kin can't get a handle on the possibility of the presence of one God, the lives of Muhammad and Nuh are corresponding to one another for the hour of the disclosure of this surah. The surah was utilized to expand the confidence of the adherents; it shows that Nuh before Muhammad experienced issues in managing the doubters of his time.

Ayat 1–4 talks about the message Nuh got from Allah to impart to his locale, to serve Allah.

In Ayat 5–20, Nuh advises Allah that his kin are not tolerating his message. Nuh attempts to clarify to the individuals that the entirety of the Earth, the sun, the moon are indications of Allah's presence.

In Ayat 21–24, Nuh solicits Allah to free the world from the criminals since they wouldn't forsake their golden calves and urge others to do likewise.

In Ayat 25–28, the skeptics were altogether suffocated and sent to Hell (because of the flood). Nuh requests that Allah pardon the adherents and to obliterate the doubters on the grounds that their confidence will lead some adrift

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