With respect to time of disclosure of this surah, initial one notes that this surah is Meccan.[6][7] This characterizes the time of disclosure of this surah before 622 AD, the time of Hijra (Islam). In his interpretation of the Qur'an,[5] one of the most broadly known and utilized in the English-talking world, Abdullah Yusuf Ali says "Sequentially it has a place with the late early center Makkan period, perhaps not long after Surah 69." Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi in his Tafsir work Tafhim al-Qur'an states: "The topic bears proof that this Surah excessively was sent down in conditions intently looking like those under which Surah Al Haaqqah was sent down".[8] And records a convention by Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal when Umar ibn Khattab told that he heard Muhammad recounting sura Al-Haaqqa Masjid al-Haram. Umar ibn Khattab acknowledged Islam in 616 AD[9] so the surah Al-Ma'arij along these lines seems to uncover before 616 AD. Israr Ahmed, a Pakistani Islamic theologian,[10] philosopher,[11] and one of the prominent Islamic scholar[12] additionally holds the sentiment that this surah was uncovered in the fifth or sixth year of disclosure and refers to Fakhr al-Din al-Razi[13] and Abdul-Qadir Gilani in reference.[14]Theodor Nöldeke places this section following parts lvi. furthermore, liii., most likely as a result of the inference of the main refrain of this section to the start of part lvi. Muir places it in about a similar timeframe, which would fix the date at about the fifth year of the call of Muhammad to preach.[