Al-Rāzī on this event cited an early analytical power, Abū Rawq who clarified that this stanza was not a one-sided judgment everything being equal and Christians, however those "who don't notice the remedies contained in the Torah and the Gospel, separately". Thus Al-Qurṭubī "didn't add something extra to Qurān a discount censure of the People of the Book as an undifferentiated collectivity". Modern Muslim researchers like Muhammad Abduh had comparative perspectives, concurring that this section was uncovered on the event of the military crusade in Tabuk, and this refrain explicitly manages the People of the Book", and furthermore that "the main sort of real war on which there is unanimity among Muslim researchers is the guarded war when broadcasted by the Imām in case of an assault upon A Muslim area". The Grand Imam of al-Azhar from 1935 to 1945, Mustafa Al-Maraghi, noticed that 9:29 signifies: "battle those referenced when the conditions which require battling are available, to be specific, hostility against you or your nation, abuse and mistreatment against you because of your confidence, or compromising your wellbeing and security, as was submitted against you by the Byzantines, which was what lead to Tabuk