surah kausar bangla translation | সূরা কাউসার | Noor

Kausar is an Arabic word the meaning of it is Abundance.

The above all else exposition of the Qur'an is found in hadith of Muhammad.[1] Although researchers including ibn Taymiyyah guarantee that Muhammad has remarked in general of the Qur'an, others including Ghazali refer to the constrained measure of stories, therefore showing that he has remarked distinctly on a part of the Qur'an Ḥadīth (حديث) is truly "discourse" or "report", that is a recorded saying or convention of Muhammad approved by isnad; with Sirah Rasul Allah these contain the sunnah and uncover shariah. As indicated by Aishah, the life of Prophet Muhammad was a viable execution of the Qur'an Therefore, a higher check of hadith hoists the significance of the appropriate surah from a specific point of view. This surah was held in exceptional regard in hadith, which can be seen by these related stories.

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