surah al fil bangla translation | সুরাহ ফিল | Noor

 Sūrat al-Fīl is the 105th part of the Quran. It is a Meccan sura comprising of 5 refrains. The surah is written in the inquisitive form. Fil implies Elephant and this is the Chapter Of The Elephant

 The chief subject of the surah is a particularly noteworthy occasion. The time of Muhammad's introduction to the world is recognized as 'the Year of the Elephant when Mecca was assaulted by Abraha joined by an elephant. Quranic exegetes deciphered that God spared the Meccans from this power by sending a swarm of winged animals that pelted the intruders with mudstones and pulverized them. The military of Abraha crushed for assaulting the Kaabah[16] is an update and a model that Allah can spare His home by annihilating a multitude of 60,000 with elephants, through a group of birds. The cause of the word sijjīl (for example Magma stone from Volcanic ejection) in stanza 4 has the historical background proposed as Persian sang and Gil  or Aramaic style the Quran 'sijjīl' happens in two different stanzas:

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